Wednesday 7 December 2011

160 - Light up

159 - Ribbon

I'm getting crafty this Christmas. Goodness knows why, it's not really like I have the time...But we're hosting Christmas at ours this year (for the first time! eeeek!) so I want everything to look festive.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

158 - Twinkle Twinkle

Everywhere has their Christmas lights up now, I should probably get a move on with mine!

157 - The Old Curiosity Shop

I love Bridgnorth, for the strange shops you can find yourself in. I'm not sure whether this one was the best shop, or the most scary shop, I've ever been in, but it definitely made for an interesting Sunday!

Sunday 4 December 2011


The winter sun, on our street...
Love this time of year :)

- posted by my iPhone, innit!

Saturday 3 December 2011

155 - Winter has begun

This is the first sign of jack frost we've seen this season - we've been really you remember how Britain looked on 2nd December last year? Take a look at Helen's pic here...!

154 - Poms

Tonight I turned my hand at making decorations for Harry's christening next weekend....all in a days work as planner-slash-godparent :)

153 - Strike

Today (Wed 30th Nov) a lot of people affected by the cuts to pensions in the public sector are striking. It's incredible how many people there are marching around the city centre today....