Tuesday, 30 August 2011


I bought myself some close up filters which I didn't get a chance to use over the weekend, so I thought I would give them a go today. I like them. And I like eggs.

Monday, 29 August 2011


We went on a little walk in the countryside today...it was good for blowing the cobwebs away, and catching up on my 366 :)


Steve's working the camera!

- posted by my iPhone, innit!

Saturday, 27 August 2011


There's nothing that goes better with a pint of ale, then a (shared) bag of crisps. Ian helped "share".....!!

Friday, 26 August 2011


A lovely evening out, with lovely friends. I love Birmingham!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

055 - Is this August?

I know this is a tragically boring picture, but I couldn't believe we'd had such nice weather all day, and THIS is what happened driving home to take my photo for today. So many other of my fellow 366'ers have blogged nice sunny pics from Birmingham - it feels like we're in different cities!

Monday, 22 August 2011


An early walk this morning before work provided a bit of a spooky shot of our local church...

Sunday, 21 August 2011


Remember 001? well, I revisited the field early this morning, and it looked totally different. These are the last poppies from the whole field full of them only a month or 2 ago...

Saturday, 20 August 2011


It's my friend Craig's birthday tomorrow, he's 35..erm....25...so he's getting some special cupcakes to celebrate!

Friday, 19 August 2011

050 - Wobbley Qube

How many sides does a Qube have...???


I went out this evening looking for some textures to capture. It was a challenge! I took some of fences, walls, tree bark, but nothing seemed to come out right. Then, I happened to be walking back home down a street near me and found this old outbuilding (it was half way up someone's drive so felt a bit bad sneaking around with my camera) but I love the colours...and the grit!!


Ok, so it's another sky/building based picture - but my aim was to take todays photo at a different time of day again. This was taken before work this morning, in Brindley Place (more pictures of the Ikon Gallery will be sure to crop up again I'm sure).


I always seem to take photos at the same time of day, mainly due to work patterns etc, so I had already taken a photo by the time I went to the Birmingham Loves Photographers meet this evening. But, the sky was so lovely driving back from the meet that I couldn't resist seeking this one out.
Hope you like it...

046 - Tag!

An early start to this weeks blogging...A fellow 366'er and I are playing a game of tag, (check out http://psphotography79.wordpress.com/) and this is this weeks response from me (in response to Pete's #32) - and my photo for today.

Pete, I hope you can see the link - even if my windows aren't as nice as yours :)

You have until this Monday next week - Tag!

045 - Eggs is Eggs

I heart boiled eggs. A lot. I get rage if they aren't done properly - but that's a story for another day... :)

044 - I am 1

Oliver had a lovely time at his party...it's time for bed now, he's had too much cake!


How cute is this wedding invitation?!
Aneesha and Ed get married in October, and we're honoured to get an invite - especially when it's a blimmin' tea towel.
Cannot wait to see what other 'mazin ideas Aneesha has up her sleeve for the big day :)

042 - Oh Walls...


A walk through town at lunch time today felt like something from a zombie thriller...an eerie serenity filled the air, and usually-relaxed, fearless Brummies clutched their handbags a little tighter. There was no-one around. I'm not sure whether it was the change in mood or if it was genuinely because there were less people for me to stare at on my way through the centre, but I noticed buildings I've never noticed before. And I'm talking whole clusters of buildings that I swear I've never seen, but can't quite put my finger on what I thought *was* there before....My 041 is one of the many 'new' landmarks.

Monday, 15 August 2011

The riots are going in One Direction...

Thankfully the riots are now over...Just in time for another, slightly different, mob to take over Brindley Place today, as One Direction visited brmb.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

040 - It's safe up here...

Rather than hang around in Birmingham today, and try and capture an expected picture of the aftermath of the riots that happened last night, I wanted to remind myself (and you) that the West Midlands is beautiful and safe. I want to share 3 photos of Clent Hills, which is about 5 minutes up the road from me. It sickens me to think we have such animals living around us that would destroy our beautiful city...but we're safe up here, looking down on them all.

Monday, 8 August 2011

039 - Back to normal...

It's business as usual today, and I think that's reflected in 039...fence, trees, sky - just another Stourbridge street shot on my iPhone. I do like the way the sun is capturing the lime green colour in the leaves though.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

038 - Catching the moon

Technically this was after the acts had finished on stage on the Saturday night, but checking the time it was taken, it is actually Sunday monring - so here you go!

037 - Setting an Example

We managed to catch a couple of acts whilst at the Big Chill this weekend, and on Saturday saw Example, and Calvin Harris, who really got the rather tired crowd jumping around again....see?!

036 - Chilling

This was the scene shortly after arriving and pitching our tent at the Big Chill, in Hereford, on Friday.
I'm fairly pleased with this photo, only because it was on a very old and decrepid point and click camera, with my sunglasses over the lens to act as a filter - I thought it gave it quite a nice vintage tint too.
Unfortunately many of the other photos are strictly censored, so they won't be appearing here! haha

Thursday, 4 August 2011


On my way to a portrait photography meet at 6/8 Kafe in Birmingham, I walked through this arcade, beautifully decorated with bunting. I liked the look of it moreso than the composition of the picture but I think the Hipstamatic app on my phone captures the feel of the arcade nicely. The meet up was great. I'm not a DJ and thus don't do shout outs, but I met a great bunch o' people...you know who you are!!
I'm off to a festival for the weekend tomorrow so I will be snapping ad saving, and will be back on Sunday to post *brain permitting*...see you soon!

- posted by my iPhone, innit!

Wednesday, 3 August 2011


A glorious lunch in the sun today allowed me to take this. I love how the grass looks and how 'American Psycho' the random suited sunbather was. I'd try and make the grasses horizon perfectly horizontal though....

- posted by my iPhone, innit!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

033 - Practice

My sister and I went on a photo walk around the Jewellery Quarter today, which was really interesting and great practice. Since I've got a Portrait Project coming up soon, and I've never done any 'face' work before, I decided to bully my Sister into being my subject...This was one of the many we took.

Monday, 1 August 2011


Today has been so difficult trying to find inspiration for 032...this is the best I could do after what seemed like hours wandering round my house, garden, and streets nearby! I wanted to take a picture of these bright yellow plants looking up, but it seemed too dark to get anything good. Then I remembered we have a security light....voila!