Ah great photo - taken from a really nice angle and it's nice to see the modern and old together. I've only been to Liverpool once and that was really recent. It seems like a great city for having a wander with a camera.
haha, thanks again! I literally nearly gave up playing with the camera and then walked past this and couldn;t help it...it was crying out to be shot! Liverpool's ace from what I've seen, but like you, I've not seen all of it properly - another trip soom I think!!
Ah great photo - taken from a really nice angle and it's nice to see the modern and old together. I've only been to Liverpool once and that was really recent. It seems like a great city for having a wander with a camera.
ReplyDeletehaha, thanks again! I literally nearly gave up playing with the camera and then walked past this and couldn;t help it...it was crying out to be shot! Liverpool's ace from what I've seen, but like you, I've not seen all of it properly - another trip soom I think!!