Thursday, 30 June 2011

Loving the iPhone

Not only do I love the iPhone for the way it keeps me exceptionally entertained for hours on end, but for the way it's going to make my 366 Project all the more accessible every day.

I have already been playing with some apps to help with my photo of the day (love Hipstamatic as you know) but now I've downloaded a little blog tool to blog on the move. Woop!

The first photo of the year of pictures will be coming atcha tomorrow, I'm very excited!
I've been making some notes on what I would like to do, and where to shoot in my little black book...I hope I don't lose it like I do with all my other stationary!

See you tomorrow for my little launch :)

- posted by my iPhone, innit!

Location:Broad St,Birmingham,United Kingdom

Wednesday, 29 June 2011


I've put a plea out there with my 'flesh based' and my cyber friends to help keep me motivated whilst embarking on my ever closer 366 project. I may lose a little inspiration by taking a photo every single day, so I have enlisted some help to make sure my photos are not just of Steve (although he is well cute for a moggy!)
Please feel free to add to the list below, I'm looking forward to the challenge, so be as mean as you like!
  • Reflections
  • Music or Sound
  • Urban
  • Black and White
  • Night shots
  • Numbers
  • Converging lines
  • Heroes and Villains
  • Uniform
  • Nature overtaking Urbanisation (eeeeek!)
  • Architecture
  • Long exposure (min of 2 secs) without using a tripod ie, handheld
  • Selective colour
  • Depth of field
  • A photo 90% green in colour
  • Amusements
  • Feet
  • Colours (as in colourful pics!)
  • Light
Thank you :)

Monday, 27 June 2011

So, it starts in T-Minus-4 days. How excited am I?

Well, quite. I got a little disheartened at the weekend only because I tried some funky light painting, but it didnt quite work as well as I thought. I was going for a blacked out room with some lighter action around a friends head (dangerous after a bottle of wine!). I don't think I had the right shuter speed (it was too short) but if I left it any longer the picture would have been too light to get the right effect. And because I didn't know how to correct it, I got disheartened and thought I would never be able to do it. Yes, I would like to run before I can walk. I know this, it's one of my 'development points' shall we say....
Anyway, I know a lot of people will feel like this when they have just taken up a hobby, so I'm still going to crack on with it.
I've told a few friends about the blog (and will invite them soon!) and asked for theme suggestions to help me on my 365 project. So far I have:

Music or Sound
Black and White
Night shots
Converging lines

If anyone has any other suggestions then please let me know, I would love some more!!

Speak to you in 4 days - I may have a one-personed launch party to celebrate (Gin & Tonic anyone?)


Friday, 17 June 2011

Its bigger than hip...sta...hip...sta....

Oooooh, I'm all overcome with excitement as the 1st July draws near....

The 1st of July marks the start of what I hope will be a very exciting project - I'm going to take and blog one new picture every day for (wait for it...) a whole year.
I'm uber excited.
I've been reading Helen Ogbourn's blog, and it seems she did the same. It's been a very inspirational read so far! Helen (she's not a melon, apparently) did the same with a Lumix G1 (and her iPhone!) as well as various bits 'o kit she gathered along the way...she's had no training, but used the last 12 months to train herself and bring out her photography personality :) which I think she's definitely found :)

I've been playing with some apps on my iPhone - mainly iDarkroom and Hipstamatic - and thought I would blog the pics I've taken. I LOVE them. Although I can't quite believe that the first 'official' blog pics are from something quite so rudimentary as a mobile phone...hmmm...hope you like them anyway....

 The above 3 were walking to the pub at the top of my street, no post production used, just a very pretty sky!
Yum! Thursday night with Lucy (iDarkroom helped)

These ones were a wander through Birmingham at lunchtime yesterday with my (favourite!) Hipstamatic app. I especially like the lovely man who I've named Old Elvis, sitting on the steps :)

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

A camera shaped hole....


So I've come out of my ridiculous 'flat' phase, and been given some nice things to do at work (which helps!) - it seems to have kick started my mojo again.... woop for that!

I have been getting quite into photography blogs recently. As you know, I've always loved photography but never done it I'm taking a step into the unknown and JFDI'ing it!

I did have a fantastic swish around the Jewellery Quarter planned for last Sunday, my first jaunt out with the ol' camera, but as per expected in this bladdy country in June, it tipped it down all fricking day. *sad face* SOOOOOO.....I have decided to make more effort with twitter, and follow some photographers, amateur and pro, and join Flickr for when I FINALLY take some photos worthy of critiquing.

Next Wednesday I'm going to a Birmingham loves Photographers lecture at 6/8 Kafe. My first outing to mingle with like minded camera freaks and hopefuly pick up some tips. eeeeeEEEkkkkkk!